Saturday 22 March 2014

Week 2 - 17th March - 21st March 2014

For my second week at Halliday Meecham, I was still on the training on Google sketch up and I started the hard task of designing a pub on sketch up, which I had 5 photo's of the pub and had to design from guessing roughly how tall the building is, and also by counting its bricks. I found this really difficult and frustrating to work on, as I kept thinking I was doing it wrong and messing up constantly. But I got there in the end.

Original photos:

Google Sketch up photo's:

After finally finishing my training they introduced me to a program called Auto Desk Revit, which I was given the job called Sarah Point. Revit is sort of similar to Auto CAD but with this program it is quicker and you can do multiple plans in a few hours.

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