Saturday 29 March 2014

Week 3 - 24th March - 28th March 2014

Coming up to the third week at Halliday Meecham I was given a new job, and this time it was to design set model on Google sketch up of Chorlton road in Manchester, in which I had to design this for a brochure that the company want to publish to show clients what them as a company have achieved and what they are about. This took me overall a good 4 days to complete due to the quality of the design standards they wanted. And the overall product looks great to look at.

After finishing that I then moved on to a Auto CAD drawing of Latchford in Warrington, and with this drawing I had to use the programme Adobe Photoshop to colour in the drawing of what each building was under a key colour, for example red was the colour to represent residential, and purple was the colour and represent retaerail. This took me an hour to complete and was an easy and simple task to do. 

Saturday 22 March 2014

Week 2 - 17th March - 21st March 2014

For my second week at Halliday Meecham, I was still on the training on Google sketch up and I started the hard task of designing a pub on sketch up, which I had 5 photo's of the pub and had to design from guessing roughly how tall the building is, and also by counting its bricks. I found this really difficult and frustrating to work on, as I kept thinking I was doing it wrong and messing up constantly. But I got there in the end.

Original photos:

Google Sketch up photo's:

After finally finishing my training they introduced me to a program called Auto Desk Revit, which I was given the job called Sarah Point. Revit is sort of similar to Auto CAD but with this program it is quicker and you can do multiple plans in a few hours.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Halliday Meecham Architects

For my choice of Placement I was given the chance to work for a company in Manchester called Halliday Meecham Architects. The company is located in Piccadilly in the centre of Manchester and based in the building Piccadilly 111. I got the chance to work with this company through my father, as he owns an Interior Design company 'DV8 Designs', he grabbed me an Interview which I therefore had to go forth by myself and try to convince them to give me some work, to which I did get the job. This journal takes you through what I have achieved and learnt by working as a trainee architect and what great experience I have had over the 6 weeks of being here.

Week 1 - 10th March - 14th March 2014

So to start my first week at placement I was introduced to most of the staff at Halliday Meecham and to my own desk equipped with most professional program's they use here. I was assigned to do training on Google sketch up for a week, which gave me an easy, moderate and hard task to do over the week. I had to create 3 models using one of the training tasks to do, which I  found them easy but also hard.
I first started off with the easy task of doing a sketch up model of a front of a library, this was given to me with a few photos of the actual library, with the cad drawings, and had to create it from scratch. It did take me a couple of days to build it but I did get there in the end and built it. 

Sketch up Images:

Original Library Images:

After I had completed my first task of easy, I moved on to a moderate stage on sketch up and for this task I had to design a Student hub for a University, which I only had the Auto CAD plan drawing and a previous student hub sketch up drawing they had already done to give me an idea of what it would look like.

Sketch up Images: